The Draconic Chart


When I first heard Pamela Crane at an astrology conference in 1990 I was intrigued by her inter-dimensional  approach to the field. I travelled to England shortly thereafter to study with her and learned from her directly about Draconic Astrology and how she worked with inter-dimensional charts using tropical, draconic, and sidereal charts. At the time, many computer programs did not include these charts and working with them pushed me to master hand calculations and dwads and superdwads which took my knowledge of astrology to a whole new level of understanding. This work has served me well in pioneering my approach in Noble Sciences. I am ever grateful to Pamela for her work and dedication to broadening the field of astrology.

From the recognized authority comes the long-awaited revision of a pioneering masterwork. The Draconic chart is an extremely important element in a lucid multi-layered system, in which each zodiac expresses a distinctly different facet of human experience. This book focuses on the interaction between the familiar Tropical chart – describing the conditions of your current life – and the Draconic with its deep insights into your life’s meaning: your driving principles, your spiritual purpose, your vocation, your karma. Twenty chapters and two appendices cover the history of Draconic and its meaning in the natal chart, in synastry, forecasting, rectification and even horary, with a host of examples. It also chronicles its author’s own impassioned journey from her first apprenticeship to the discovery of Christ’s Nativity.



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